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A Caneworker’s Book for the Senior Basket Maker (Dorothy Wright)

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A Caneworker's Book for the Senior Basket Maker Book Cover A Caneworker's Book for the Senior Basket Maker
Dorothy Wright

A bautifully produced book intended for those who already have some knowledge of basket making with cane. It contains more than twenty examples of useful and interesting articles to make, among them a bottle basket with partition, a cat basket, a birdcage, and a wine cradle. The techniques needed to make them are in a separate section and include French and spiral slewing, changing-the-stroke, waling in full detail, a roll border, Turk's head, a roped or twisted handle and the working of notches.
There is a section on linings and a glossary of terms used by basket makers and the book is liberally illustred with photographs and diagrams wich should prove of lasting value to all who want to go further with this ancient and fascinating craft.

ISBN: 978-0852190722

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