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Cane, Rush and Straw

Un libro inaspettatamente buono. Non fatevi ingannare dal fatto che non compare un autore o compare solo la curatrice Yvonne Deutch. Il fatto è che si tratta di un’opera collettiva che raccoglie il materiale su midollino, giunco e paglia proveniente da una enciclopedia di arti manuali a fascicoli pubblicata nel 1975. Avevo avuto già modo di incrociare alcuni di questi fascicoli fatti benissimo: Ateliers (nei paesi di lingua francese) o Workshop (nei paesi di lingua inglese) pubblicati dalla allora dalla casa editrice Marshall Cavendish. Trovare la versione completa rilegata è uno dei miei sogni proibiti….. Comunque sia alla fine del libro sono presenti fortunatamente i nomi degli autori e ho riconosciuto la principale, ossia Barbara Maynard, autrice di un altro ottimo libro di cesteria di cui ho parlato: Basketry Step by Step. Come in quel libro sono presenti spiegazioni intelligenti e illustrazioni essenziali ma utili. Le tecniche vengono spiegate gradualmente nell’ambito di progetti pratici. I progetti sono diversi nei due libri ma riguardano comunque midollino e giunco: niente vimini. In più sono presenti un capitolo sulle “bambole di paglia” e capitoli sull’impagliatura delle sedie sia con midollino (paglia di Vienna) che con corda di giunco. Le misure e le quantità sono molto utili e sono date sia in sistema metrico che imperiale.

An unexpectedly good book. Don’t be fooled by the fact that no author appears or only curator Yvonne Deutch appears. The fact is that it is a collective work that collects material on cane, rush and straw from an encyclopaedia of manual arts in issues published in 1975. I had already had the opportunity to cross some of these very well done booklet: Ateliers (in French-speaking countries) or Workshops (in English-speaking countries) published since then by the Marshall Cavendish publishing house. Finding the complete hardcover version is one of my forbidden dreams ….. However, at the end of the book there are fortunately the names of the authors and I recognized the main one, that is Barbara Maynard, author of another excellent basketry book of which I have spoken: Basketry Step by Step. As in that book, there are clever explanations and essential but useful illustrations. The techniques are gradually explained in the context of practical projects. The projects are different in the two books but they still concern cane and rush: no wicker. In addition there is a chapter on “straw dolls” and chapters on the stuffing of chairs both with cane (Vienna straw) and with rush rope. Measurements and quantities are very useful and are given in both metric and imperial systems.

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Cane Rush and Straw Book Cover Cane Rush and Straw
Excalibur Books
Rilegato con sovraccoperta

Have you discovered how soothing it is to bring the products of country crafts into your home? Scrubbed pine furniture, hand-woven fabrics, baskets and mats made from cane and rush - even a tiny corn dolly presiding over the household - all these soften the hard edges of modern living. More important still, there is a great revival of interest in learning the techniques of these rustic skills, and returning to the roots of our craftss' heritage. Cane Rush and Straw introduces you to the world of basketry, rushwork and the ancient art of straw weaving. Clear, concise instructions, useful diagrams and lavish illustrations all help you to achieve beautiful results. The range of projects is gratifyng - there are baskets in rush and cane for shopping and picnics, table mats, wine holders - even rush hats. You can learn how to weave chair seats in cane or rush, or make an elegant cane headboard . Corn dollies and corn shuck dolls are endearing gifts for the home and are fun to make. You will welcome a craft that gives you so many hours of creative satisfaction, and the pleasure of making unique items in natural, glowing textures. ISBN: 9780525700685

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