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Basketry Step by Step (Barbara Maynard)

Tratta sia di midollino che di giunco, quest’ultimo nelle tecniche a intreccio, a treccia e ad avvolgimento. Niente basi in legno né vimini, ma è uno de migliori a spiegare come non far incurvare le basi ovali (con il reverse pairing, ossia l’intreccio invertito). Per entrambi i materiali c’è una breve introduzione sulle tecniche e poi via con i progetti, di difficoltà crescente e molto vari e ben illustrati.

It’s about both rattan and rush, the latter in the intertwining, braid and winding techniques. No wooden bases or wicker, but it is one of the best at explaining how not to make oval bases curved (with reverse pairing, that is the inverted weave). For both materials there is a short introduction on the techniques and then off with the projects, of increasing difficulty and very varied and well illustrated.

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Basketry Step by Step Book Cover Basketry Step by Step
in easy steps
Barbara Maynard
Collier Macmillan Canada
Copertina rigida

Basketry is one of the most satisfying and versatile of all the crafts involving only the minimum outlay on materials. The inexpensive equipment is light and portable and it is even possible to make your own home-made or improvised tools. The raw materials are also very cheap and although this book is concerned with cane and rush work, once you have mastered the techniques you can try your hand with twigs and grasses gathered from hedgerows.

This book takes you through a series of step-by-step projects each one demostrating a new technique. It is designed so that each stage in your progress will give you a completed article which will add real charm to your home or make an attractive gift.

The book is divided into two sections, the first dealing with cane which is easy to work and really available. Clear basket-weave diagrams supplement the full-colour step-by-step photographs and concise text. The projects range from simple table mats and roll baskets to shopping baskets and an attractive birdcagew. The second half of the book gives further instructions and designs for working with rush including how to make a handbag, a sewing basket, a fruit platter and a flower basket. When you have worked through all the projects you will have a sound knowledge of the basic principles and techniques involved in this craft and be ready to start designing your own baskets.

ISBN: 9780029731901

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