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Baskets and Basketmaking (Heseltine)

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Dove l’ho preso / Where I got it: World of Books €7,00

Baskets and Basketmaking Book Cover Baskets and Basketmaking
Shire Album 92
Alastair Heseltine
Shire Publications

While many traditional arts have become revitalised in recent years basketmaking remains largely unexploited. It seems very often that appreciation for a subject arrives only when it is all but lost, and it is hoped that this should not be the case with what has been called 'themost ancient craft'. This book describes the craft as it exists in Britain today, from the cultivation of the willow to a detailed description of simple basketmaking. It aims to give instruction to amateurs in a field that lacks reliable written information. At the same time the illustrations show a selection of the types of baskets made by British craftsmen.

ISBN 9780852636114

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