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The Nature of Basketry (Ed Rossbach)

L’unico libro che non parla di come si fa un cesto, ma del perché si fa così… Scritto da Ed Rossbach, un insegnante di design del tessuto nonché cestaio ed artista, questo libro riunisce passione, esperienza, riflessione e curiosità: qualcosa che non si trova né nei manuali, né nei saggi antropologici sull’artigianato. Se avete anche voi queste quattro qualità allora lo apprezzerete e festeggerete ogni anno l’anniversario dell’acquisto. Altrimenti non lo leggete perché vi sembrerà astruso e caotico.

Nato come libro fotografico (in bianco e nero), è stato pubblicato nel 1974 col titolo “Baskets as Textile Art“, poi è stato aggiornato, dotato di alcune tavole a colori e ripubblicato nel 1997 col nuovo, azzeccatissimo, titolo.

The only book that dont talk about how to make a basket, but why do so Written by Ed Rossbach, a teacher of fabric design and basket weaver and artist, this book brings together the passion, experience, reflection and curiosity: something that is not found in the manuals or in the anthropological essays on craft. If you too have these four qualities, then you’ll enjoy it and you celebrate every year on the anniversary of the book’s purchase. Otherwise we will not read it because it will seem abstruse and chaotic.

Born as a photo book (black and white), was published in 1974 under the title Baskets as Textile Art“, then it was updated, with some color plates and re-released in 1997 with the new, perfectly timed, title.

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The Nature of Basketry Book Cover The Nature of Basketry
Ed Rossbach
Schiffer Publishing

This delightful book presents a wide variety of baskets with the author's view of "temporary" and "permanent" uses, and hundreds of photographs to illustrate his text. Basketmaking is a hand process that has never been mechanized and continues virtually unchanged in each part of the world. Here are found Asian, American and European ceremonial baskets, some of which support lavish facades of feathers and shells, as well as humble work baskets and those made quickly to satisfy a moments need. Many traditional methods of converting plant materials into baskets are described with pictures of their constructions and discussions of their unique qualities.

ISBN: 9780887400599

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