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The Complete Book Of Basketry (Dorothy Wright)

Scritto da una studiosa di cesteria, il libro è effettivamente piuttosto completo. Parla della tecnica, degli usi e della storia della cesteria nel mondo anglo-americano ma non solo. Vengono citate e affrontate tutte le tecniche: stake-and-strand (ossia l’intreccio “normale” dal mio punto di vista), ribbed (ad archi o coste), coiled (ad avvolgimento o a colombina), plaited (il più simile alla tessitura), twined (appena accennato). Il più completo è il primo, che permette di affrontare anche vari materiali (salice, midollino, giunco….). Vengono fornite anche diverse recipes per fare dei modelli di cesti (oggi diremmo pattern o progetti). Insomma potrebbe essere un gran bel libro, più approfondito di Earth Basketry, purtroppo soffre di essere la ristampa fatta male di un testo che risale al 1977. Le foto sono tutte in bianco e nero e stampate malissimo, l’impaginazione e suddivisione dei capitoli enigmatica, le informazioni un po’ datate (anche se interessanti).


Written by a basket maker scholar, the book is actually quite complete. It talks about the technique, the uses and the history of basketry in the Anglo-American world but not only. All the techniques are mentioned: stake-and-strand (ie the “normal” weave from my point of view), ribbed (with arches), coiled (winding or dovetail), plaited (the most similar to weaving), twined (just hinted at). The most complete is the first, which also allows you to deal with various materials (willow, cane, rush ….). Several “recipes” are also given for making basket (today we would say patterns or projects). In short, it could be a great book, more in-depth than Earth Basketry, unfortunately it suffers from being the poorly made reprint of a text dating back to 1977. The photos are all in black and white and badly printed, the layout and subdivision of the chapters enigmatic , the information a little dated (although interesting).

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The Complete Book Of Basketry Book Cover The Complete Book Of Basketry
Dorothy Wright

This profusely illustrated third edition of an authoritative classic relates the history and geography of baskets, including everything from seed-gathering baskets to portable stalls used by street vendors, huge “skeps” for sorting wool, and one-person boats. The author also provides detailed advice on basket design, materials, techniques, care, and repair, and gives step-by-step instructions for making an array of baskets, including a tall oval shopping basket, wastepaper basket, lidded picnic basket, all-purpose plate, wine cradle, fruit bowl, cane rattle, carpet beater, and more—made with a wide range of materials including willow, cane, rush, raffia, straw, grasses, palms, and coppice woods, and by a variety of techniques, including stake-and-strand (wickering), framing or ribbing, coiling, plaiting, and twining. Craftspeople, collectors, students of traditional crafts, and general readers will find themselves fascinated by this authoritative survey. Glossary. Bibliography. Index. 294 illus., including 12 in color on the covers.

ISBN: 9780486418056

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