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Paper Straw Craft (Anne Stone)

Li conoscete gli “artstraws”? Nemmeno io, prima di leggere questo libro. Si tratta sostanzialmente di cannucce di carta ispirate alle cannucce di paglia (“straw” in inglese) che venivano tradizionalmente usate per creare forme intrecciate. Si possono fare (e si fanno comunemente) con i fogli di giornale, ma nei paesi anglosassoni pare che siano usati da tempo nelle  scuole quelle commerciali marchiate appunto Artstraw. Questo libro infatti è del 1975 ma mostra già un grande sviluppo della tecnica e dei modelli proposti. Semmai l’età del libro lo penalizza dal punto di vista grafico. Ci sono poche foto a colori e i disegni sono efficaci ma un po’ smorti: oggigiorno, specie i libri e le riviste straniere, fanno un ottimo uso di disegni e schemi con vari colori, specchietti, frecce ecc. Rimane tuttavia un ottimo, sorprendente libro, che partendo da una tecnica tradizionale e materiali semplici (accessibili anche a chi sta in città e non vuole o può comprare materiali da cesteria) mostra a piccoli e grandi come produrre opere di tutto rispetto.

Qui di seguito la breve guida all’uso degli artstraw presa dal sito ufficiale.

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Arts-Straws-Easy-to-Use-fun-to-do-16pp-A5.pdf – Scaricato 1250 volte – 366,89 KB

Do you know the “artstraws”? Neither did I, before reading this book. These are basically paper straws inspired by straws that were traditionally used to create intertwined shapes. They can be done (and are commonly done) with newspaper sheets, but in Anglo-Saxon countries it seems that the commercial ones branded Artstraw have long been used in schools. This book in fact dates back to 1975 but already shows a great development of the technique and of the proposed models. If anything, the age of the book penalizes it from a graphic point of view. There are few color photos and the drawings are effective but a little dull: nowadays, especially foreign books and magazines, they make excellent use of drawings and schemes with various colors, mirrors, arrows, etc. However, it remains an excellent, surprising book, which starting from a traditional technique and simple materials (accessible even to those who are in the city and do not want or can buy basket-making materials) shows young and old how to produce respectable works.

Below is the brief guide to the use of artstraw taken from the official site.

Download “Arts Straws, Easy to Use fun to do”

Arts-Straws-Easy-to-Use-fun-to-do-16pp-A5.pdf – Scaricato 1250 volte – 366,89 KB
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Dove l’ho preso / Where I got it: AwesomeBooks €3,07

Paper Straw Craft Book Cover Paper Straw Craft
Anne Stone
Mills and Boon

Paper straws (usually known by their registered name of Artstraws) are an interesting and versatile new craft material. Easily manipulated yet reasonably strong, they can be used to make all sorts of models and ornaments, and they will take adhesive and colour. Because of their uniform quality, they are easier to deal with than natural straw.

Anne Stone's approach to paper straw work is lively and experiemental. Her book gives full instructions for working with the material, and shows how to make specific objects - but also she encourages the reader to go ahead and improvise, and perhaps it is in this direction that the results are most enjoyable and rewarding.

ISBN: 0263052907

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