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Living Willow Sculpture (Jon Warnes)

Un libro di poche pagine e poche parole, ma molte foto. Nel complesso dice l’essenziale sul salice e sulle tecniche, perchè è destinato a chi già armeggia con il giardinaggio.  Mostra come fare strutture e sculture in salice vivo: capanne, cupole, recinti, tunnel, sedili, sedie e pergolati. E’ più accurato sulle sedie, ma mostra comunque molte foto di esempi e varianti per ispirarsi. In effetti si tratta più di strutture e arredi, che sculture, anche se la tecnica è più o meno la stessa. In entrambi i casi l’aspetto curioso e quasi commovente è che queste strutture essendo vive crescono e cambiano di anno in anno e a seconda degli interventi successivi di manutenzione.

A book of few pages and few words, but many photos. Overall it says the essentials about willow and techniques, because it is intended for those who are already messing with gardening. The book show how to make structures and sculptures in living willow: wigwams, domes, fences, tunnels, seats, chairs and arbours. It is more accurate on chairs, but still shows many photos of examples and variants for inspiration. In fact it is more about structures and furnishings than sculptures, even if the technique is more or less the same. In both cases the curious and almost touching aspect is that these structures, being alive, grow and change from year to year and depending on the subsequent maintenance interventions.

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Dove l’ho preso/ Where I got it: Ebay €4,58

Living Willow Sculpture Book Cover Living Willow Sculpture
Jon Warnes
Search Press

Children will enjoy making and playing in wigwams, domes and tunnels. More advanced projects, suitable for adults, include fences, chairs and arbours. Jon Warnes discusses the tools you need, planting the willow, joining, grafting and weaving in detail, and includes other makers' work in different styles to inspire you to create your own designs.

ISBN: 9780855328344

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