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Straw and Straw Craftsmen (Arthur R. Staniforth)

Un opuscoletto informativo con una rassegna sintetica sulla paglia e i suoi usi tradizionali: tetti, alveari, cappelli, corde, stuoie, bersagli per arceria, protezioni per bottiglie, collari per cavalli, fili, bamboline, intarsio…. Le foto purtroppo sono tutte in bianco nero (è del 1981).

An information booklet with a synthetic review of straw and its traditional uses: thatching, beehives, hats, ropes, mats, archery targets, bottle protectors, horse collars, threads, dolls, marquetry … Unfortunately the photos are all in black and white (it was published in 1981).

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Straw and Straw Craftsmen Book Cover Straw and Straw Craftsmen
Shire Album
Arthur R. Staniforth
Shire Publications

Although its uses have dwindled over the years, straw was once a greatly valued by-product of cereal crops. When harvested and stored well, it can be attractive, fragrant and resilient, and for generations straw has been used for decorative and practical purposes. This book explores the many different uses of straw, from early bedding and matting, straw huts and thatched roofs to stuffed horse collars, archery targets, and woven baskets. Using illustrations of a variety of straw crafts and considering the development of these skills, this book is a perfect introduction to a rural craft that has survived for centuries.

ISBN: 9780747801030

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