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The Handmade Basket Book (Rebecca Board)

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The Handmade Basket Book Book Cover The Handmade Basket Book
The Handmade Series
Rebecca Board
New Holland Publishers

Now anyone can enhance their home with stunning handmade baskets and items made from wild hedgerow and garden materials.

A comprehensive guide to basket making, this well-illustrated book features detailed step-by-step instructions for 15 projects utilizing a range of stake and strand, frame, plaited, and store materials. The introductory section provides essential background information on materials, tools, and techniques. With inspiration from the treasures that nature offers, author Rebecca Board uses a wide range of raw materials including willow, rushes, grasses, and leaves that are woven into wreaths, mats, and baskets. These handmade works of art make stylish and beautiful accessories for the modern home, as well as ideal storage containers.

• Step-by-step instructions for 15 beautiful projects

• Use the treasures that nature offers to make useful and beautiful home décor items

• Introductory section provides essential background information on tools, materials, and techniques

ISBN: 9781859749920

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