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Baskets: Design Ideas, Techniques and Materials, Step-by-Step Projects

Sebbene dia qualche vaga informazione sulla realizzazione di cesti, il libro si occupa quasi eclusivamente della decorazione di cesti con la pittura e l’applicazione di decorazioni. Qualche bella idea c’è, si capisce  che l’autore non è l’ultimo venuto, ma i testi e l’organizzazione dei capitoli sono raffazzonati. Inoltre continuo ad avere un brivido lungo la schiena quando vengono considerati cesti a tutti gli effetti quelli fatti a macchina inchiodando impiallacciature. Mio nonno si rigirerebbe nella tomba se usassi colla su preziosissimi cesti di salice o olmo fatti come si deve.  Quindi, si, personalizzate e decorate pure con fantasia questa “roba”, ma lasciate stare quelli veri per favore.

Although it gives some vague information on the creation of baskets, the book deals almost exclusively with the decoration of baskets with painting and the application of decorations. There is some nice idea, yuu see that the author is not the last one, but the texts and the organization of the chapters are botched. I also continue to have a shiver down my spine when baskets made by machine nailing veneers are considered in all respects. My grandfather would turn over in his grave if I used glue on precious baskets of willow or elm made properly. So, yes, customize and decorate this “stuff” with fantasy, but leave the real ones please.

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Baskets: Design Ideas, Techniques and Materials, Step-by-Step Projects Book Cover Baskets: Design Ideas, Techniques and Materials, Step-by-Step Projects
Richard Kollath, Tim Frew (fotografie William B. Seitz)
Weidenfeld & Nicolson
Rilegato con sovraccoperta

Baskets takes a lavish, photo-filled look at these popular, versatile, beautiful containers. This handsome book includes forty-five original basket designs - from the traditional to the unusual - by noted craft designer Richard Kollath. These impeccably photographed baskets are sure to spark the imaginations of every potential basket-maker. Kollath shoes you how to easily and inexpensively contruct and decorate a wide range of baskets made from all types of materials. With easy-to-follow instructions and step-by-step photographs, Baskets makes it simple to achieve striking results.

ISBN: 9781555843052

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